Tuesday, September 20, 2011

Ten Months

Dear Calista,

Today you’re ten months old!

You love to clap your hands. You clap them along to music, and you clap for others when they do something you deem as good.

You’re an amazing eater. At this point, I think your favorites are butternut squash, eggplant, and pumpkin. I baked my first butternut squash the other day, and you thought it was amazing. The only new food you disliked this month was honeydew. You’ll eat it, but you’d prefer something else.

You enjoy reading books. At the moment, your favorites are the Llama Llama books and the books with Thomas the Tank Engine.

You’re so in love with Chloe, and it’s amazing to watch you interact. After you’ve had your bottle in the morning, the first thing you do is head to your sister’s room. She can be a little rough with you, but you don’t mind. You just like the attention.

You’re very strong. You can pull yourself up on anything and everything. You’re especially interested in standing by the bedroom windows. You’re just tall enough to see outside.

You’re quite the climber. You like to pull yourself up and over anyone who’s at your level. You’re also good at climbing onto the tubs where I store odds and ends.

I can’t believe you’ll be one in just a couple months. I love you very much, and it’s a gift to be your mama.

Love Always,

Video coming soon...

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