Thursday, October 20, 2011

Eleven Months

Dear Calista,
Today you’re eleven months old! You’re such a blessing, and I can’t believe we’re already preparing for you to turn 1.
You’re quite the adventurer. You can now crawl at jet speed, and you cruise everywhere.  I have a feeling I’ll be writing about you running everywhere in your next letter. You climb up bookshelves and over tubs, and if you fall and/or face plant, you just climb up again. 
You love to read. Your favorite books are the Olivia and Llama Llama books. You also love to play with anything that interests Chloe. She doesn’t always have patience for you, but you idolize her. Seeing your love for her brings me so much joy.
Your favorite food at the moment is cheese ravioli in tomato sauce. You have a very healthy appetite and are always trying new foods.
I can’t express how much Daddy and I adore you. You’re such an amazing addition to our family.
“I’ll love you forever, I’ll like you for always, as long as I’m living my baby you’ll be.” Robert Munsch
Love Always,
You may be curious about the stuffed animals in your monthly photos. My goal was to add a new one each month. However, some of the animals I picked are rather large. That, combined with the fact that you dislike sitting still, means I haven’t been able to capture everything in each photo. Hopefully my vision is still clear.


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