Saturday, March 17, 2012

Easter Book Fun

The girls enjoyed our book countdown in December, so I decided to wrap up our Easter books as well.  We’re not doing a countdown for this holiday, I’m just letting them open one when they deserve a treat.  I don’t think toddlers ever tire of opening gifts, and this mama loves to wrap presents. 


  1. Amy- sometime can you do a post on how the heck you store all of this stuff for the girls? I seriously struggle with buying them more books(which I love to do) because it takes up so much space and they are always messy and cluttered everywhere. How do you also organize the girls toys and such?

    Your desperately seeking organization friend,


  2. We keep our holiday books in holiday bins in the garage. That way the girls get “new” books every couple of months. As far as the girls’ rooms go, we have lots of shelves (bolted to the walls) and bins. It’s somewhat easy for me to keep Calista’s room clean, but Chloe’s going through a phase where she likes to see all of her possessions. I’m letting her do her own thing, but I do make sure to clean her room really well once a week.
