Tuesday, November 20, 2012

Two Years

Dear Calista,

Today you are two years old! Two years ago, a bright ray of sunshine was brought into our family, and we wouldn’t be the same without you.

You’re still a vegetarian, although you now have more of an opinion about what you will and will not eat. Your favorite foods are bananas, applesauce, rice, veggie nuggets, pasta, black beans, garbanzo beans, olives, soup, tofu, and you’re always talking about cupcakes and birthday cake.

We had a birthday party for you last Sunday with your friends, and we’ll have another party with your family on Saturday. You’re really interested in your presents this year, but you’re still good at sharing with your sister and friends.

You’re a big talker, and you have a large vocabulary. You’re good about saying please and thank you, and I’m impressed with the length of some of your sentences. You’ll often string together seven words. You also know many of your numbers and colors.

You love to climb. You’ll climb anything if given the chance. It can be scary, but you’re quite agile. Even when you fall, you usually know how to do it so you won’t hurt yourself. You also love to dance. You like to climb on tables, start dancing, and say, “Dance to the beat!”

Your name suits you, as you have the most joyful spirit. You’re bright and altogether lovely, and it’s a delight to watch you grow.

Love Always,

1 comment:

  1. Yay for another wonderful year of Calista! Have you tried the Veggie Bites products yet? They have amazing spinach/broccoli nuggets and falafel.
