Friday, February 8, 2013

Chloe’s 2013 Classroom Valentines

Since Chloe’s Arizona classmates are all boys, we needed to think outside of the Hello Kitty box. I think her love bug valentines turned out both cute and boy-friendly.


  1. These are adorable... I saw the picture that says you are having a baby boy!! I think of you all often. :-) Congrats... Andrea

  2. Thank you, Andrea. I think of you too. It has been awhile. We moved to Arizona in December. It's different, but we're enjoying being together as a family. I hope you and your family are doing well.

  3. I am so glad you are all together!! I was wondering if you find me on facebook? I would really like to reconnect with you.

  4. I just found you. :) I know I’m hard to find. I upped my privacy settings when I was getting requests from too many random people.
