Friday, February 22, 2013

Four Years

Dear Chloe,

Today you’re four years old! This year showed me once again that the military life has turned you into a strong little girl. Sometimes I wish you didn’t have to be so strong, but I know this is the only life you know.

Your Daddy was in Seoul, South Korea from December 2011 to December 2012. He was able to come home to see us in Washington for a month, and we travelled to see him in South Korea for the month of August as well. Although it wasn’t as bad as a deployment to the Middle East, you’re a Daddy’s girl, and you just wanted to have him home.

As for our trip to Seoul, it was both your first time on an airplane and first trip overseas. I was excited and nervous for you. I had never flown with a toddler before, let alone by myself with two. You were amazing on the plane. I bet you could have kept flying onward to Thailand or India. You really enjoyed being able to be on a plane. You were very patient, and you helped make the trip easier for your mama. Once we arrived in Seoul, you were also a very good girl. Since the city isn’t handicapped or stroller friendly, I wore your little sister in a baby carrier, and you walked all over town. I can’t emphasize how much you walked in the heat and humidity. On top of that your big beautiful eyes along with your curly blonde hair gave you celebrity status. You constantly had strangers grabbing at you and lining up to take photos with you. It was intense for both of us, but you always kept a sweet attitude even though I know you were overwhelmed, hot, and exhausted.

Before we left for Korea, we spent a week in June at Great Wolf Lodge with Grandma and Papa Sundin. I won a writing contest for our local paper, and that was my prize. We had a fabulous time, and I learned how much you love the water. You couldn’t get enough of the waterslides.

While we were in Korea visiting Daddy, I became pregnant with your baby brother. You’re excited to meet him in May. For awhile you were asking me every day when you would be able to meet him.

In October you started preschool. You’ve had some developmental delays due to your chronic ear infections, and we were recommended to a program in our neighborhood. You loved your teachers and classmates, but that came to an end in December. In December Daddy came home, and we went on yet another adventure. We moved to Fort Huachuca, Arizona, arriving a few days before Christmas. It’s been a big adjustment. Washington was the only home you and your sister had ever known, and I’d spent my whole life in the NW with an exception of the year I lived in South Korea. You’re currently attending preschool on post, and you’re continuing to blossom into such a big girl. You even take the school bus to and from school. I recently found out, during a meeting at your school, that you have a boyfriend. His name is Jordan, and apparently he’s always holding your hand and protective of you.  I’m proud of you for all you’ve continued to accomplish and work through despite the obstacles along the way. You’re an amazing little girl.

To celebrate your birthday, you brought lemon cupcakes to school to share with your class (nine boys and no other girls). Tonight we’re taking you out to dinner to Mexican food, your choice, and we’re having a carrot, pony cake for dessert. Tomorrow Uncle Mike and Aunt Kris will be here from San Diego along with Cousin Austin from Tucson. We’re having a Hello Kitty party with all of your favorite foods. You love Hello Kitty and kitties in general. Once Baby Brother is older, we hope to get you a kitten.

These last four years have been the best in my life. I love being your mama, and I can’t wait to see what adventures await us in this upcoming year.

Love Always,

1 comment:

  1. Patti,

    Thank you for the sweet comment. I accidently deleted it with the swollen, pregnancy fingers/iPad combo I have going on at the moment (haha), but I really appreciated it. I’ve become an awful blogger/social networker, but I try to always include the kiddos big milestones on our blog. We’re really excited about our new addition.

    I enjoy following both of your blogs. Your weight loss journey is inspirational.
