Friday, December 13, 2013

Seven Months

Dear Cruz,

Today you’re seven months old! Last night I panicked, because I thought life flew by your seven month mark.

You’re not crawling yet, but you get into the crawling position and lunge yourself forward. You also get around quickly by rolling and scooting on your back.

You figured out how to get out of your favorite chair. You shimmy your hips and legs out of the buckle and dive out. Luckily I’ve caught you all but once. Sorry. You threw me for a loop with this skill. Thankfully your chair is low to the ground.

You have two teeth now. I was surprised by both of them. Both of your sisters were drooling heavily at this age, but they didn’t have any teeth.

Your cranial band arrived for your plagiocephaly. I know it will be worth it in the long run, but it’s been a long week filled with lots of medical appointments. You’ll most likely be wearing your band for two to four months, and hopefully at the end you’ll have a perfectly shaped head. Daddy and I know it’s for the best in the long run.

You’ve started saying “ya” along with “hi”. You’re always cooing and giggling. You have a good set of lungs which is necessary in our family of five.

We’ve been reading lots of Christmas books, and you always give me big smiles when we read them. I’m glad you’re a reader like the rest of the family.

You’re still not interested in food, but I sneak organic rice cereal into your bottles. Daddy and I thought that would help calm your appetite.

You’re not interested in cribs or sleeping in your room in general, and you’re still not sleeping through the night. I think you like having your mommy all to yourself, even if that means hanging out at 3:00am.

I love watching you grow and learn new things. You’re a huge blessing to our family.

Love Always,

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