Friday, January 17, 2014

Mike Webb & Sierra Hearing Center

Last September, my four year old daughter Chloe and I paid a visit to Sierra Hearing Center. We saw audiologist Susan Richmond. She was patient and spent about an hour with my four year old daughter, but wasn’t able to get a complete hearing test. I found out the following week at an ENT appointment that one of my daughter’s ear tubes had fallen out and become infected. We were told by this doctor to give Chloe and few months to heal and get over her fears of the office (caused by the pain in her ear and having to use the ear buds and headphones for the tests).
We came back on December 16 to meet with Susan. She was very friendly towards my daughter, and we began the tests again. The first test went well. She gave my daughter words to repeat in each ear, and Chloe passed with ease. The next test didn’t work well. A beep was sent through Chloe’s ear buds, and she was supposed to put a block in a bucket when she heard the beep. After a few tries, she told us she would move on to another test and come back to this one. Again, Chloe did well. She sat still, listened to Susan, and they completed the test.
I was pleased that things were going much smoother this trip. Chloe had chronic ear infections when she was 2, and we have had her hearing tested every six to twelve months since she had her ear tubes put in, shortly before her 3rd birthday. She’s experienced delays from her time with very little hearing due to uncontrollable infections, and it’s very important to our family that she receives the best care possible.
Before Susan began the beep and block test again, she brought in Mike Webb. He didn’t introduce himself, came in the room looked down at my daughter and scolded her for being uncooperative. He made a couple complaints to Susan about having to use equipment he wasn’t familiar with, and he then told my daughter she was going to be obedient and take this test. When the beep went off, Chloe either didn’t hear it or didn’t understand the task. He then looked at me and asked me if I was going to make my daughter obey or leave. I was shocked. I tried to explain that I wasn’t sure if Chloe understood the task. He went on to tell me that “she’s disobedient, and she thinks she doesn’t have to behave because she’s cute.” I was shocked. I had never heard anyone speak to my daughter in that manner. Those who know her would describe her as shy, thoughtful, and very introverted. I went on to explain that Chloe goes to a special needs preschool, and she often needs a little extra help. I also tried to explain that one of the reasons we were in the office was to rule out hearing loss for another medical appointment, but I was rudely interrupted. He told me “Oh, I’m sure she does have special needs (exaggerated tone)” as he rolled his eyes.
I was appalled and trembling at this point and looked at Susan and told her we needed to leave. I told her we needed the results of what she did get from the test for a couple of her doctors and requested a copy. Mike then interrupted again, and he told me I could come back and get them. I looked past him back at Susan and told her I didn’t feel comfortable returning to this office, and she told me they could be mailed to me.
I teach all three of my children, that we respect those who deserve our respect. I’ve always made it clear that some people are good and some are bad, so they won’t get confused or hurt by an abusive or hostile situation. From what I saw in that room, Mike Webb is deserving of no respect. He was not only rude, but he didn’t provide the service requested.
When I returned to my car, I couldn’t believe what had gone down in that office. My daughter’s head hung low, and I tried to maintain a cheery disposition and took her to get books at the library. I wish I could say this man didn’t bring me to tears, but I had tears streaming down under my sunglasses as I drove across town to the library. They weren’t tears for me, but tears for my daughter. All I want to do is find out the root of her struggles. Most people find this to be good parenting. As an adult I know not everyone is good. Some people have the desire to hurt, even if it means belittling a four year old child.
As we went inside the library my cell phone shook, but I let it go to voicemail. The voicemail was from Mike. He called to apologize for being unprofessional. Unfortunately, a quick voicemail doesn’t do the trick for a toddler. That damage was done. I suppose the call was to cover his back in case I chose to complain. Unfortunately for him, he can take a child’s voice but not the mother of that child.
When I got home I Googled Mike Webb and discovered he’s the director of the chain of hearing centers and boasts of his Christian behavior. It’s funny, because I spent most every Sunday of my childhood in Sunday school, and I must have missed the lesson about Jesus picking on children, especially those with special needs.

1 comment:

  1. I feel compassion for what you and Chloe had to go through today. Hang in there, God is not done with His healing power in your lives! He is the great Redeemer, friend and Saviour.
